Learn how to prepare an egg white lemon face mask at home to deep cleanse your skin, tighten pores & lighten blemishes.
For all you natural beauties, on a budget or otherwise, the egg white lemon face mask combo is all you need to control oily skin and keep the acne away. You must have heard of store bought pore-tightening toners with lemon as a major ingredient and acne facial masks with egg white in it. Forget about those chemical laden products and simply whip up this incredible easy egg white lemon face mask yourself. You’ll be using ONLY egg white and lemon – no SLS, alcohol or harsh chemical ingredients added!
Why Egg White?
Egg white contains multi-vitamins and enzymes which are potent in clearing off acne and shrinking large pores. Check out some nutrients in egg white and their benefits for skin:
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Why Lemon?
Lemon has the amazing citrus power which is just great for oily and acneic skin. It’s natural astringent properties will shrink large pores and reduce excess sebum secretion. It’s got antibacterial properties that will fight off acne. Added bonus: Citric acid in lemons is a natural bleaching agent that will help fade away acne scars! Here are the the nutrients in lemon and their benefits for skin:
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- 1 egg white
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
How to make the egg white lemon face mask:
1. Gather your ingredients. Make sure you’re using freshly squeezed lemon juice straight from the lemon – not store-bought lemon juice. Show your skin come TLC by getting the best ingredients for your skin!

2. Time to start mixing! Mix up your ingredients in a small bowl. You don’t need to beat your egg whites to a white foam, especially if you have no time. Either way, this egg white lemon face mask will absorb in a snap.

3. Your final mixture only needs to be thoroughly mixed, no need to beat it until it gets whipped, but if you do, that’s fine too. Overall, it takes only 5 minutes or less to whip up this easy-peasy egg white lemon face mask!
My Tips
- I recommend tying up your hair and keeping the bangs away using a headband. This mask sticks and you don’t want to end up washing your hair to remove face mask bits.
- If you’re not applying more than one coat, you will definitely end up with excess face mask mixture. Simply store it in the refrigerator until next time. Remember to use it within 3 days so that it doesn’t get spoiled.
- If you have severe acne, you might want to add only a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice as it can end up stinging and aggravating your acne.
- When you’re separating the egg white from the yolk, take care not to get break the yolk and spill it into your egg white. Egg yolk might not the best ingredient for oily / acneic skin.
- Leave this egg white lemon face mask for 10-15 minutes. Take it off, when it dries up completely, using warm water.
- Do not apply the face mask on your eye or mouth area. The skin here is very thin and sensitive and egg white will most definitely tighten it. Don’t smile or talk with the mask on as this will stretch that sensitive skin and cause fine lines.
Take Care
- As usual, before you apply this face mask onto your face, use a test patch on your inner elbow to see that you’re not allergic to egg white or lemon. If you notice redness, burning or itchiness within 24 hours, then please do not use this face mask.
How many times do you use it in a week ?
You can use it twice a week 🙂
how many times you must use it in a day
Use 1-3 times a week, please 🙂