Want shiny hair? Use this simple DIY tea hair rinse that works!
Before we look at the DIY tea hair rinse, let’s check out what type of teas you can use for your hair type:
15 Types of Teas for Hair Rinses
- Black tea (where to get it) – full of antioxidants, strengthens hair, helps cover up gray hairs, adds as a natural dye for dark hair, promotes shiny hair
- Catnip tea (where to get it) – promotes hair growth, prevents split ends and hair breakage
- Chamomile tea (where to get it) – good for natural highlights in blonde hair, brightens blonde hair, calms an itchy irritated scalp, conditions hair
- Green tea (where to get it) – prevents premature graying, strengthens hair, reduces excess oils, promotes shiny hair, is full of antioxidants for healthy hair
- Horsetail tea (where to get it) – has a high silica content which helps treat brittle hair
- Lavender tea (where to get it) – moisturizes and conditions hair, soothes the scalp, encourages hair growth,
- Nettle tea (where to get it) – reduces oily hair, stimulates hair growth, strengthens hair, adds shine to hair, reduces itchy scalp
- Parsley tea (where to get it) – makes hair lustrous, enhances hair color, reduces oily hair
- Peppermint tea (where to get it) – cools & refreshes the scalp, encourages hair growth, helps oily hair
- Plantain tea (where to get it) – treats dry itching irritated scalp, good for scalp eczema & dandruff.
- Rooibos tea (where to get it) – good for covering up grays in red hair, has a lot of antioxidants
- Rosemary tea (where to get it) – stimulates hair growth, alleviates itchy scalp, helps reduce scalp inflammation, helpful for reducing oily hair, brings out dark highlights in hair, banishes dandruff
- Sage tea (where to get it) – darkens black hair, hides grays, heals weak brittle hair
- Saw palmetto tea (where to get it) – It’s good for hair loss and thinning hair
- Thyme tea (where to get it) – fights dandruff, boosts hair growth, good for oily hair
Okay, onto the DIY tea hair rinse recipe!
DIY Tea Hair Rinse Recipe
What you need
- 3 cups of cooled tea made using 3 teabags * choose from any of the above teas
- 1 tsp vegetable glycerin (where to get it)
- 4 drops lavender essential oil (where to get it)
- Pyrex measuring cup (where to get it)
- Make your 3 cups of tea by steeping 3 teabags of the herbs of your choice in 3 cups of boiling water for 15 minutes.
- Let the tea cool down completely then pour it into a Pyrex measuring cup.
- Add 1 tsp vegetable glycerin and 4 drops of lavender essential oil. Mix well.
- Voila! Your DIY tea hair rinse is ready!
- Use as the final hair rinse after you have rinsed your shampoo & conditioner off. Use a natural shampoo & conditioner, preferably.
- Simply pour it on your head slowly then squeeze out the excess from your hair and you’re done!
- When your hair dries, enjoy shiny silky soft and easy-to-detangle tresses!
- Note: This DIY tea hair rinse can acts as your conditioner!
Please go ahead and try this DIY tea hair rinse for shiny hair! You’ll be pleased with how amazing it makes your hair! xoxo
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