I love lathering up with body washes and I can take ages in the shower. I just can’t resist! They smell incredibly amazing and leave you squeaky clean. But sometimes…they can make your skin a bit dry in the end. That’s why when I came across a DIY shea butter body wash at HomemadeforElle, I just had to note the recipe!
And after tweaking it a bit to suit my preferences and make it lather better, I present you this easy DIY Shea Body Wash Recipe!
It’s perfect for leaving your dry skin moisturized and silky. That’s because it contains lubricating shea butter! It has aloe vera gel that’s soothing and cooling and I also had to add vegetable glycerin to thicken the recipe and make it lather better.
Another ingredient I included was raw honey for its nourishing benefits to the skin. Plus it’s also a natural preservative to make the body wash last longer. Yes peeps, I’ve used honey on lots of DIY body products such as lotion & body butter before and they lasted me more than a year and a half! That’s a freaking long time for a DIY product if you ask me!
Okay, let’s look at the fabulous recipe now 😉
DIY Shea Butter Body Wash Recipe 
What you Need
- 1 cup liquid castile soap (where to get it)
- ¼ cup shea butter (where to get it)
- 2 tbsp aloe vera gel (where to get it)
- 2 tbsp jojoba oil (where to get it)
- 2 tsp vegetable glycerin (where to get it)
- 1 tsp xantham gum (where to get it)
- 1 tsp raw honey where to get it)
- 15 drops lavender oil (where to get it)
- 10 drops lemon oil (where to get it)
- Double boiler (where to get it)
- Pump bottle (where to get it)
- Immersion blender (where to get it)
- Pyrex measuring cup (where to get it)
- Loofah (where to get it)
- Begin as usual, by melting the shea butter and jojoba oil to liquid form in the double boiler.
- Then pour it into a Pyrex measuring cup and vigorously stir in the vegetable glycerin, aloe vera gel and xantham gum.
- Once combined, add the liquid castile soap then blend it in well using an immersion blender. Also add the essential oils.
- Everything should mix up very well into a thick solution after a couple of minutes of blending.
- Gently pour it into the pump bottle then close the cap and admire your creation!
- Store it in a cool dry and clean place. Make sure not to get any water into it.
- To use, pump some onto a loofah and scrub away!
- It store for 3 months+ but you’ll be making your next batch before this time arrives!
Give this DIY shea butter body wash a shot and tell me how it goes, will ya?! xoxo
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