If you want to show your hair some TLC, what’s better than making your very own diy organic and natural homemade hair mask recipes to nourish and feed your hair?
Making your own chemical-free hair mask using natural ingredients is a real way to show love to your locks! Here are three nourishing hair masks made from basic kitchen ingredients that you can try out for beautiful hair!
Note: The measurements of the ingredients are for mid back hair length. Feel free to double/triple the ingredients for longer hair. For shorter hair, you should cut down the ingredients.
1. Avocado Coconut Oil Hair Mask
Avocado and coconut oil create a super soft and luxurious hair mask which not only boosts hair growth, but also prevents hair fall and adds a shine to dull hair.
- Avocado– Perfect for moisturizing dry locks, avocado is rich in vitamin E and healthy fatty acids that are necessary for healthy hair.
- Coconut Oil– With coconut oil, you can bring back the shine to dull lifeless hair! Coconut oil is rich in healthy fatty acids, vitamins and minerals that promotes hair growth as well as keep hair shiny and moisturized.
- ¼ avocado
- 1 tablespoon coconut oil
Blend the above ingredients till you get a smooth and thick mixture. Using clean fingers, scoop this mixture and rub it gently onto your scalp and hair locks. Wait for 10 to 15 minutes for the hair mask to sink in before washing off thoroughly with cold water. As with all hair masks, apply this hair mask over your bathroom/kitchen sink to avoid drips.
My Tip: It’s a must to blend your avocado thoroughly till you get a lump free hair mask mixture. A lumpy hair mask will be very hard to rinse off.
2. Yogurt Olive Oil Honey Hair Mask
These three amazing hair mask ingredients stimulate the hair follicles, thereby promoting growth. Say goodbye to frizzy and dry hair with yogurt, olive oil and honey!
- Yogurt– Yogurt nourishes your hair follicles and make them strong, preventing breakage and hair fall. Yogurt also soften and moisturize dull and dry hair. Use full fat yogurt for best results.
- Olive Oil– Rich in vitamin E and healthy fatty acids, olive oil nourishes and lubricates dry hair and scalp.
- Honey– Honey is a natural humectant, meaning that it absorbs water from the surroundings, thereby keeping hair moisturized and healthy. It also cleanses hair and nourishes the hair follicles.
- ¼ cup yogurt
- 1 tablespoon honey
- 1 teaspoon olive oil
Mix the above ingredients thoroughly in a clean bowl. When you’re ready to apply the hair mask, scoop some up with clean fingers and massage it onto your scalp and slather some on your locks. Wait for 10 to 15 minutes for the mask to penetrate then rinse off very well with tepid to cold water. Wrap your hair in a fluffy towel.
My Tip: Wear an old t-shirt before applying this hair mask to prevent ruining your clothes with drips.
3. Egg Olive Oil Banana Hair Mask
Eggs are a super food for hair that not only promotes hair growth but also prevents hair loss. Olive oil is a lubricating and moisturizing hair product that keeps hair soft and moisturized.
- Egg– Egg is rich in protein, water, vitamins, minerals and healthy fats that make it an excellent natural product for boosting hair growth. The high protein and sulfur content in eggs nourishes the hair follicles, thereby promoting growth.
- Olive oil-Olive oil moisturizes the hair and scalp, thereby warding off dandruff and flaky skin. The anti inflammatory and antibacterial properties of olive oil help fight off germs and bacteria that can cause scalp infection and acne.
- Banana– Bananas are moisture-rich and lock moisture into the hair strands. They also promote silky soft hair.
- 1 egg
- 1 ripe/very ripe banana
- 1 teaspoon olive oil
Put all your ingredients into a blender and blend till you get a lump free mixture. This is very important – make sure your hair mask doesn’t have even the smallest of lumps as lumps like these will stick to the hair strands and be a pain to rinse off! Apply this hair mask to wet/dry hair and leave it on for about 10 to 15 minutes. When the time is up, rinse off as many times to remove all traces of the hair mask. Wrap your hair in a non-fluffy towel to prevent hair breakage.
My Tip: Please remember to rinse off the hair mask using tepid to cold water. Never use hot water as it will cook the eggs in the hair mask and leave you with cooked egg bits in your hair.
Where to Get a Natural Shampoo
If you are going chemical-free on your hair, but want to save the time of making a homemade shampoo, this Maple Holistics Sage Shampoo is a game-changer. It contains powerful herbs such as sage: for dandruff & itchy scalp treatment, rosemary: for hair growth and prevention of hair loss and spikenard for dandruff treatment. It also has argan, jojoba and tea tree oils that all protect the scalp from germs, keep hair clean as well as hydrated and moisturized. This shampoo does not contain sulfates, so it will not lather the way you are used to, but you will quickly get used to it and notice the difference!
All Natural Hair Care Guide with Essential Oils
Want to know more about essential oils for hair and how to make scalp & hair care recipes with essential oils? Check out our Complete Guide to Using Essential Oils for Scalp & Hair Care that talks about the magical properties, benefits & uses of essential oils for your scalp and hair with over 100 recipes to make your own chemical-free hair products for a healthy scalp and beautiful hair.
DIY Herbal Hair Oil Infusions Guide with Recipes
Want to make your own herbal hair oils? Check out our DIY Herbal Hair Oil Infusions eBook that contains an A-Z list of healing herbs and spices to infuse for hair, what base oil to choose for your hair type, methods of infusing your hair oils plus 20 exciting hair oil recipes for dry hair, heat damaged hair, hair growth, even gray hairs, scented hair and more!
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